Corporate Sustainability in Hong Kong: Key Takeaways from ReThink HK 2023

Sustainability is not a burden but a catalyst for growth. 

Last week, we participated in ReThink HK 2023 with the Green Office Project and engaged with passionate people about corporate sustainability in Hong Kong. Whether they were seeking inspiration and or ready to inspire others, all were looking towards the same direction. 

Here are the takeaways from the many conversations we had about the curent corporate sustainability landscape in Hong Kong: 

Motivation is the first step

Many visitors didn’t come with specific solutions in mind, most were simply looking for a starting point into sustainable practices. Just like anything else, the key to initiating a sustainable business practice is understanding the ‘WHY’ behind it. Ideas, solutions and roadmaps will emerge as we embark on the discovery and learning journey.

Making sustainability a core value

Convincing management and dealing with budget concerns is a common obstacle. I noticed that many attendees were looking to turn their senior management into sustainability allies. Risk mitigation, brand reputation, stakeholder engagement, business opportunities are just a few priorities that now rely on sustainability.

Read our Call to Action for Corporate Leaders here.

Going beyond the numbers

Sustainability must go beyond ticking boxes. It is about raising awareness, sharing a common understanding of the challenge we face as a society, engaging hearts and minds to inspire actions. What performance do we anticipate in reporting if sustainability is a burden for everyone?

Empowering your workforce

There is a lack of talent with sustainability expertise, and even awareness. This leads to a need for sustainability education: training programs, workshops, engaging activities and ongoing communication to cultivate a culture of sustainability in the workplace and a workforce ready to innovate for business opportunities. There is no ‘quick fix’ when it comes to education. 

Learn how we can help here.

Embracing Change Together

I’m very grateful for every passionate participant at ReThink, ready and determined to overcome these challenges and break the status quo. Thank you for visiting our booth and sharing your thoughts on fostering a culture for change. It was very inspiring to meet you all, and I’m looking forward to sharing more about the ideas and solutions we collected. 

Your involvement and encouragement makes this Green Office Project journey all the more meaningful!


How To Foster A Culture For Change: Insights from ReThink ‘23


A Call to Action for Corporate Leaders: How to Embrace Sustainability and ESG